Benefits of Good UX and Graphic Design in Content Marketing

UX is User Experience
User Experience (UX) design is a set of techniques for making a product or service focus on the user rather than the service itself. The customer is at the center of UX design, with the goal of giving customers what they want, creating a connection with them, and making them enjoy using the product.
Design can go horribly wrong and completely fail. It’s all about communicating the right message effectively. A successful designer will create a strong emotional connection while also communicating the intended message in a way that the intended audience can understand.
According to Forrester Research, a good user experience design can result in a 400% increase in conversion rate. This alone should make you consider this as your priority in designing your website. Let us take a look at other reasons why UX is important in content marketing.
Benefits of UX
Good UX help build strong connection and satisfaction for your customers
UX design allows you to connect with your customers. It’s about going beyond the user’s wants and creating something that will inspire awe, establish a connection, and provide satisfaction. People will appreciate it if you provide clear messaging to them.
You can, in turn, improve your targeting because you will reach the right audience at the right time. You can also develop an attractive offer that you can articulate clearly and persuasively.
As a result, UX is a necessary component of developing customer relationships. Building a positive user experience is critical because it increases customer satisfaction and encourages repeat business. Your customers will be happier and more willing to tell others about their experiences.
UX Improves Your Visibility
SEO and visibility go hand in hand. Good UX design aids in not only being found in search engines using popular keywords but also ensuring that people have found what they were looking for and are happy with the results of their search. UX will increase your online visibility and encourage visitors to visit your website or social media accounts.
Your UX can be a strong part of your brand strategy. Users will develop a certain trust when they understand what you are offering them. On the other hand, if your website lacks quality and attention to detail, or if it frustrates users in any way, it will reflect poorly on your mission, leadership, and values. Any company that wants to be successful at branding must bring in UX professionals.
Colors, patterns, textures, shapes, fonts, images, and other graphics make good UX design visually appealing to users. Aesthetically pleasing web resources can make users happy and help them remember a brand. Users may return to a website and share it with friends if the brand is memorable. To make their websites visually appealing, businesses can hire graphic designers or use color psychology.
UX Design Can Help Make Your Brand Memorable
An important part of content marketing is making sure a company’s content leaves a lasting, positive impression in the minds of consumers. This can increase the chance that users visit the company’s website again to gain more information later, increasing the chance of more sales.
UX can help marketers make a website memorable through its simplicity, customization, and pleasing visual qualities, promoting customer satisfaction.
Without good UX design, your website will be a confusing and rather unwelcoming place. If you want to direct your audience well, invest in UX design. A good website that provides excellent UX design elements is Covatar. You might want to check them out.
UX Helps You Be in Tune with the Times
Smartphones have changed the way people shop, connect, and view content online. With a 504% increase in media consumption since 2011, the desktop is becoming a less popular touchpoint for a growing number of digital users.
Because mobile is so ingrained in today’s consumer’s mind, mobile users are much more likely to abandon a website that isn’t properly optimized for their phone — and if you’re a business, this could result in a significant loss of conversions or even damage your brand’s reputation.
What’s more alarming is that 52 percent of users said a poor mobile experience made them less likely to engage with a company — and with 60 percent of searches now being conducted on mobile devices, UX is a fact that should not be overlooked.
Although mobile is the dominant force in today’s world, this does not rule out the importance of the desktop. Because the majority of e-commerce transactions still happen on a computer, a well-balanced multi-platform strategy is critical to a successful buyer’s journey. Despite this, many marketers and brands continue to prioritize the desktop, which is out of step with current consumer behavior.

UX Design Turns Audiences into Advocates
In order to build bridges between your customers and your brand, UX is critical. Great user experience delights your customers and turns them into loyal advocates who evangelize and spread the word about your product or service. Customers will be loyal to your brand or service and will recommend it to their friends simply because customer satisfaction is prioritized and customers are respected and cared for.
A well-designed website can assist users in a variety of ways, including providing them with useful information, directing them to additional resources, and providing customer support. A good user experience includes features, options, and customizations that cater to the target audience’s specific desires and needs.
How You Can Apply UX in Content and Digital Marketing
A successful content marketing model has five levels. SEO, user experience, content strategy, content creation, and content distribution are all examples. According to a 2015 Adobe study, two-thirds of people would rather read something beautifully designed than something plain if given 15 minutes to consume content. That’s just one part of the overall user experience puzzle.
Apply UX When Creating User Journey
To do so, you must first determine who your target audience is and what their needs are. This is how you discover the most efficient means of meeting the needs of the user. To do so, make a list of the user’s problems and how each one can be solved perfectly with your service.
Apply UX When You Want to Increase Utility
Remember that your audience went to your website or checked what you have to offer because they believe that you have a solution to their problem. Make sure that you do so, and they find it without struggle.
Apply UX When You Want to Give Your Audience a Sense of Satisfaction
While solving user problems is critical, UX is concerned with providing the best possible experience along the way. The ideal user experience is one that leaves the user satisfied. As a result, the user must feel at ease when interacting with content, and their journey must be enjoyable and exciting. This has an impact on the user’s likelihood of returning and wanting more.
Rules of Thumb of UX
UX may seem intimidating, but all it really is to make things simple for your user. There are certain things that you should keep in mind when designing for your audience.
Be Consistent
Visual and message consistency across a company’s digital platforms can help a brand become more recognizable and memorable. Making buttons and other functions on websites and apps that are consistent can also help people remember what actions they need to take to get what they want from a digital resource.
Consistency serves as a universal language, allowing users to navigate unfamiliar websites and applications. Because they are seen in so many digital spaces, users often understand the meanings of the following icons.
Here are some things that you can use as a point of reference:
See more information or menu options by clicking three dots in a vertical line or three horizontal lines.
- Visit a previous web page or undo typing with the left-facing arrow.
- Refresh or reload a web page with the circular arrow icon.
- An exclamation point indicates that a problem or error has occurred.
- Get assistance or answers to questions by using the question mark icon.
- An “X” in a circle indicates that an error has occurred or that you are exiting a window.
- An arrow pointing away from a square means to copy or share a link to other web pages.
- “Like” an image or a post with a heart icon.
- A star will usually save a resource to a digital folder.
- Access and adjust settings with a gear icon.
- Envelope icons mean to check email or messages.
- A home icon means either visiting a home or the main webpage.
- Pencil means to edit or post a file.
- Downward facing arrow: Save or download a file.
- A camera icon means to take a picture.
- Magnifying Glass means a search engine, a web page, a browser, or another web resource.
Make It Convenient
Today’s users expect their online experiences to be as simple, quick, and convenient as possible. They frequently expect a website or application to immediately satisfy their wants or needs.
Some of the most recent features that are available are voice activation, QR codes, and visual search.
A digital resource with voice activation capabilities can respond to verbal commands from users. A visual search allows a user to look for a product or information by looking at a picture as a reference. Advanced digital technology analyzes an image’s characteristics, determines its content, and searches the internet for similar images or links. QR codes are bar codes that can be scanned with the camera app on a smartphone.
Many digital marketers and successful brands already prioritize user experience. While the company’s ultimate goal may be profit, customer engagement and loyalty are critical to achieving that goal, and it’s critical to ensure that the user enjoys your service or product enough to purchase it and recommend it to their friends.
Ready to take your content marketing to the next level? Check out Sketchy Digital’s graphic design services today!